Gerald's Nothing

My amazing life only seems like a Rancho Mirage.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Dreams and Songs and Ugh

Sports: It's soooooo nice out today, but I'm forgoing the niceness to stay inside, watching a pair of my favorite teams - the Michigan football team, and the New York Yankees' opponent - trying to keep their winning momentum (momenta? Is that the plural?) going. Still scoreless in both games as I write this, but I bet that'll change during the course of my writing this entry. Updates as we go!

Gerry's Corner: I dream pretty lucidly. Not-Betty's told me that on several occasions, when I've woken her up, mostly by speaking incoherently (yeah, even in dreams!), sometimes by doing sleep-gymnastics, which I learned from Nadia Comaneci, who was The Gymnast during my administration. I wanted to nominate her to be Gymnast Laureate, but the Romanians wouldn't let us have her. Instead, we had to settle a few years later for Bela Karolyi, that walrus.

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Sports Update I: Magglio Ordonez homers! The not-the-Yankees lead, 1-0! Honestly, why are the Yankees allowing Jaret Wright to pitch in an elimination game? A quick flip to ESPN reveals that Michigan has just scored a touchdown, too. Today is already awesome so far, and it's only 4:50!

Back to Gerry's Corner: So anyway, my dream last night was sure a doozy. I dreamt that I was a student at my own school. And all the professors and other students thought I should be — Sports Update II: Monroe with a two-run blast! 3-0, not-the-Yankees! I'm not sure my heart can take this. No, seriously — this freaking prodigy, but I don't have anything to prove. I was president, for crying out loud. I don't have anything to prove. So I got a test back and where it was supposed to have a grade, the professor had instead drawn a picture. Usually, teachers will opt for a sad face, perhaps some tears drawn on. Not this one - this one had obviously spent quite a bit of the afternoon getting his demonstrative illustration just so, so the message would be quite clear:

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Underneath, the professor had scrawled, "I wish this country had never elected you." And then I realized that we weren't even in the country I'd presumed we were in. Instead, this Ford School was in the Northwest Territories of Canada, and suddenly, all my classmates were huskies and snowmen, and I was so lonely because none of them would sit with me in the dining hall, mostly because it was heated and didn't serve kibble. When I walked down the hall, one of my squirrelier classmates shoved me against the locker and started yelling at me, but I didn't understand him. That's not because he was a squirrel - he wasn't - but because he was speaking Canadian, a language I do not know. Then, he grabbed the test out of my hand and ate it, for sustenance. "What am I going to eat now?" I moaned aloud to myself.

The nice thing about nightmares is that you wake up, though. When I came to this morning, Not-Betty had already left for the clinic, and I was left to suffer through this day alone (until the games both started — Sports Update III: The not-the-Yankees scored again!!!! 4-0!!!! And Michigan scored again! Go Blue!!!). I'm reminded of a song I've had going through my head (I've altered the lyrics):

When you blog your best but you don't succeed
When you type what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't see
Stuck in reverse

When the tears come streaming down your blog
When you write something you can't delete
When you love someone and it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Blogs will guide you home
and ignite your blog
and I will blog to blog you.

There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe,


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