Gerald's Nothing

My amazing life only seems like a Rancho Mirage.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Me, 1913-2006

Front Page & Gerry's Corner: Well, I guess it had to happen sometime. We all begin our lives - there is a middle - and there must be an end. I believe it was Prince who said that forever is a long, long time. So is ninety-three years, and I think I packed an awful lot into it. So forgive me if I give myself one last pat on the back.

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Funny thing, my timing - if nothing else, passing away during the holiday season might at least make my family open to more of a celebration than a period of mourning. I can only hope, anyway.

Trite as it may be to say, I will continue to blog as I can, though likely not for a few days, out of respect for myself.

There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe,

Monday, December 25, 2006

Brother Wrap

Front Page: First things first. Merry Christmas like a sex machine.

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I cannot begin to explain how much influence The Hardest Working Man in Show Business had on my political career. Let's just look at a telling chronology: I was not satisfying the needs of Not-Betty in 1962. Live at the Apollo came out in 1963. My confidence, glow, and vigor restored, I was elected House Minority Leader that same year. From there, the rest is history.

Gerald Art!: That's right - it's Christmas Day, and I've received two last-minute entries from my adoring fan(s) for my visual art contest. But instead of declaring a winner myself, I've decided to leave the determination up to you, gentle readers. Y'all have until the ball drops in Times Square for 2007 to vote in the comments section of this post. Please supply a brief rationale for your choice as well, or else we won't count it. I know that that probably disenfranchises a bunch of people, but I don't care. All four choices are displayed here:

(a) Gerry as Raptor Wrestler

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(b) Gerry as Dreadful Pirate

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(c) Gerry as Whistler's Mother

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(d) Gerry as Himself, Dancing

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Gerry's Corner: Today, I decided to see how the other 3% of the country lives and chose to pretend to be Jewish today. What is it like to not believe in the immaculate conception of Santa? I spent the day in Bethlehem, PA, also known as The Christmas City, probably because of the abandoned steel mill rather than because of its name, I'm assuming. First of all, it was forty degrees and raining. It was probably snowing and wonderfully brisk out, but as a Jew on Christmas, I could only see miserable weather. Then, every store was closed. Every single one. What the hell? As a Jew, I was offended that so many retailers would universally forsake my needs. For shame, melting pot of America, for you are truly a Christian nation on this day! By dinnertime, I was starving - they might as well shift the fasting holiday from Yom Kippur to Christmas! Fortunately, I found my whole congregation at one place: Eastern Palace Chinese restaurant, on Linden Street. Beef with broccoli never tasted so good. I pretended I was eating reindeer and that the red peppers were Rudolph's nose - boy, was that satisfying. To cap off the evening - before sitting down in front of the blog, of course - I called a few friends and showered guilt upon them for their celebrating and gift-giving while I'd been spending the day all alone.

Time to call it a night. Tomorrow, I'll do the Christmas stuff for real - I'm done being Jewish. Papa needs a brand new bag.

There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe,

Friday, December 22, 2006

O, The Huge Manatee!

Gerry's World: Gentle readers, I am steaming mad right now. Steaming, I tell you!

Why, you ask?

Well. First of all, there was that whole issue this fall of the school named after me not naming its building after me. Instead, it chose the Chuck Schumer look-a-like. That was a bad move. I refused to come to the opening ceremony, later regretted it, and admitted as much.

End of story, right?

WRONG. You see, since I didn't fly out to crummy ol' Michigan back in October or whenever it was, they want me to come out in January for their IPE, which stands for Igloo Preparation Emergency, I think. Anyway, it's three days long and they told me that if I don't come, they're going to change the name of the school to the Lorch School of Public Policy. You know and I know that that's an unacceptable outcome, but they really need to understand that I have better things to do with those three days. Much better.

January is when most of the legitimate presidential candidates will make their announcements about whether or not they will run. Those first few days of the month are the critical time period when I can sit down and talk with my family about the stresses of a campaign and then a term or two in office. And if I had to go to my stupid school and build igloos with the dumb students for this IPE bullshit, then I'd miss my window of opportunity. There'd be no other time when I could have those important conversations about my political career with my family.

And just what do they want me to do instead? They want me to build huts out of ice cubes. It's sooooo dumb, I can't take it. Why can't they just let me send them a novel on international monetary systems? I wrote them a freaking speech last time that my son seemed to have read okay (judging by the DVD of the ceremony, though I guess they could have overdubbed). What's wrong with just letting me phone it in this time 'round? Do I really have to show some particular enthusiasm for that place?

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Look - I even have the opening paragraph of that novel written. Here it is:

As Jean-Luc looked out from the balcony of his chateau, white drapes fluttering in the light breeze like panicked seagulls, he took the final drag of his last cigarette. "I know that smoking is bad for me, and yet I still crave it like an addiction," he said aloud. Inside the room, with her foot draped over the side of the mattress, Nancy heard her paramour complain about his absence of smokes. Determined not to be a mere one-night stand, she called out to her lover. "Jean-Luc!" she cried. "I have money in my purse, if you want to get a pack at the corner store." Inside her purse, though, was nothing but a wad of dollars - useless here in France, ruled by the almighty franc, or perhaps the euro.

It goes on from there - I'm pretty sure people would be interested if I finished it - and I could do that for the Fordies and that would be fine. But no. They're being so hard-assed about this, and I don't see what the big deal is.

It's not just that I hate igloos and the Eskimos and everything they stand for, even though I've never been in an igloo, nor have I met an Eskimo, nor am I familiar with the belief system of the Eskimo people. I've been assigned to chimney construction duty (we all have different roles), which I think is totally futile, because if you live in a house of ice, the last thing you want to do is melt it. Honestly!

If I weren't at the Ford School making stupid frozen huts on their terrace, freezing my butt off for nothing, I'd be able to take advantage of the opportunity to talk with my wife and my children - if I don't speak with them during those three days, then they'll likely be unhappy with whatever decision I make about the presidential race, because they won't have been involved in the conversation at all. They might even get so mad that they'd decide not to come to my inauguration at all.

Inaugurations make me nauseous. They say there'll be big parties and a to-do about your taking office, but in the end, it's just a silly ceremony with a bunch of important people who want to spend as little time there as possible because the last thing they want to do is get cornered by some intense young intern they've brought in for the weekend to serve them drinks who wants a real job. I mean, that's how Dan Quayle became vice-president that one time, but that's totally a fluke. Usually, it's just a room filled with awkwardness and ennui, covered by C-Span and watched by people with more than a dash of schadenfreude. They're trumped-up affairs that have no real significance - who can tell me anything about any inauguration ever, aside from the fact that William Henry Harrison died from pneumonia he caught during his, and Maya Angelou read a poem during Clinton's (I think it was a poem that Chelsea had written, if memory serves)? And that's it - you recite an oath, there's a parade, and then a mélange of terrible wedding bands do Fleetwood Mac covers at various venues around town, and you don't even get to dance to a single tune because you're too busy getting your flesh pressed by insufferable twits who've come into town for the weekend to corner you for a job.

This is all actually kind of weighing on my mind as I start trying to make my decision about running for president myself. If only I could consult with my family and trusted advisors (notice how those are separate people), but if my school has its way, that will never happen.

For the love of God, someone really needs to help me. I know! You could all make me some Gerald Art to cheer me up - the contest ends in three days, and I've had a depressingly small number of submissions thus far. I'm hoping everyone is just taking their time putting the finishing touches on their artistic creations.

There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe,

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bah Humbug!

Gerry's Corner: Can you keep a secret? I'm sick. Under the weather. Cough. Aches. Pains. Congestion. I don't think it's that Asian flu (now officially renamed Matsuzaka Fever), or those bunches of Taco Bell green onions I decided to eat to protect other Americans. I think it's just the season. I get kind of down about the holidays. You see all the family that you spend the rest of the year avoiding, but the holidays don't give you a choice. I have to be nice to the kids, for instance, which is always tough because they've always just mooched off of my coattails. To think that I have to give them presents on top of using my notoreity - the nerve of those bastards.

So, the problem with being sick when you're a president - especially an old one like me, with the media vultures circling - is that you've got to put in the public appearances because your health is translated onto the health of the nation. I decided to head to the movies - that doesn't require much effort, and it gets me out of the house, among my people. So I called up our dear family friend Cat and she came 'round to whisk me off to the cinema to see The Pursuit of Happyness. My favorite message from the film was that becoming a stockbroker is the secret to happiness and a full, rich life. I tell my daughter Susan that very same thing every chance I get, but she still insists on being a photojournalist. Maybe now that there's a movie starring Will Smith that exhibits this exact lesson, she'll finally get her life on track.

One thing I did learn this evening is that Cat is not a confident driver. I mean, I knew that before - Cat doesn't like to drive on the highway. It is easy to panic Cat when she has not driven a route before. Still, I marvel every time I ride shotgun in her car. Of course, I guess Cats don't have a particularly good history with automobiles:

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Back to some Nyquil-induced hibernation. Speaking of which, I have to admit to something. Some of my security detail already know this, but I have to tell someone else. Maybe I can help someone out there who reads my blog. You see, sometimes, when I'm feeling sick, I take Nyquil. I know I should try and sleep on my own - there are all sorts of perfectly American methods of getting some Z's when you're not feeling good, like counting sheep or reading a John Irving novel - but it's soooo much easier to just take a swig of the good stuff and wake up eight hours later.

And you know what? I'm not gonna stop. It's worth it to me - I'm not naturally attractive, so I've gots to have my beauty rest when I am feeling bad. If the Nyquil makes me that much more handsome in the morning, then I'm not sorry. And you know what else? It could be worse. I've seen the celebrities at Not-Betty's clinic - I'd call them 'beautiful people,' but no one's beautiful in rehab. They're on much worse stuff than I am: crack cocaine, heroin, prescription-strength Tylenol. I mean, it's not like I'm drinking a bottle of this stuff at a time, right? (Right. I'm not.)

And yet I feel like something's not quite right. Maybe it's because I'm getting dependent on Nyquil. I mean, I take it every time I have the flu or a cold and I can't sleep. Perhaps I need to find some help - if I'm going to run for president and win, I'll have to exorcise all my demons.

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There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe,

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

True Patriots

Front Page: The news sure is hot off the press today! My hands feel like they're sizzling - or maybe that's just the psychotropic drugs I stole from Paris Hilton when she was at the clinic yesterday. But you know what? It's probably just the news - it's that amazing today. And you know what else? I'm glad that journalists aren't trying to sensationalize the news, either. They just report the facts with integrity and dreams of Pulitzers. Take, for instance, this headline on

Boy, 11, kicks hawk in face to save his puppy

There's a video that I can't link to because I'm old and I don't understand technology, but what a story! Real - chest-thumping - American. Yeah! Kick that hawk's ass (or face, whichever) to save the puppy. Here's what I think: we should replace the bald eagle with the puppy as the new symbol of America. Think about it! Who doesn't love puppies? Probably the same cave-dwellers who don't love America, that's who. Boys who fight for puppies will grow up to fight for us and our traditional values. Boys who fight for birds with large talons will probably end up with a lot of scratch marks.

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The next item concerns me: apparently, Dennis Kucinich is running for president. Now, there are a lot of things that rhyme with Kucinich - spinach, finished, Greenwich - but 'winner' isn't one of them. You might be thinking the same thing as I am: what does this mean for a Ford candidacy? Well, not much. Everyone in the field will seem moderate compared to that nutjob. But the fact that so many people are already making noise about exploratory committees and visits to New Hampshire is going to force me to speed up the timeframe of my decision. I will declare whether I will run or not after the holidays.

Finally, you all know that I've been devastated by the break-up of Britney and Kevin Federline. The gays have struck again! In particular, I'm concerned about potential geniuses Sean Preston and Jayden James. Now, people have been standing up for Britney's parenting skills. Unfortunately, that support isn't really coming from a particularly thoughtful source. And shouldn't Santa be getting gifts for those impressionable children, instead of sluts?

Well, I think I have a solution, people. Clearly, Britney and K-Fed are not suitable parents, but you can't put their beautiful and talented progeny in a foster care system. So who should take on the responsibility of raising this child? I think you know where I'm heading:

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That's right! Brangelina, take care of the children! You're already raising two adopted children, one of your own, and all of Africa! Why not two more of the neediest? This needs to happen. Do it for the future of America!

There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe,

Friday, December 08, 2006

Shut Up and Sing

Gerry's Corner: I just want to say that I love the bracing cold of winter. I miss it here in Rancho Mirage, but that doesn't mean I don't love it. I do. We moved to California to be nearer to Not-Betty's clinic and so I could play golf in the dry heat. But man - that feeling of opening your front door and feeling the air freeze your lungs, freeze inside you - there's nothing like it. It makes you feel alive, and I think we all know that I do enjoy feeling alive quite a bit these days.

Movies: Tonight, I saw the best documentary of the year: Shut Up and Sing, all about the Dixie Chicks and the fallout from their lead singer's one comment at a 2003 show in London - "We're ashamed that President Bush is from Texas." Overnight, the Dixie Chicks went from being the #1-selling women's group in American history to being the #1-selling women's group in American history who couldn't get played on any country station in the nation. It's odd to me that the country music people complained so much when the real outcry should have come from the historical accuracy crowd, since President Bush is actually from Connecticut. He was born in New Haven, home of Yale University, where President Bush went. His grandfather's name was Prescott Bush. Even though President Bush probably wishes that his grandfather looked like this:

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His grandfather actually looked like this:

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Either way, the Dixie Chicks were treated unfairly, and the movie shows them to be very honest and pragmatic about how to deal with that unfairness. I usually dislike country music, but that Natalie Maines has some kind of voice on her, even if her hair is built like the Bastille. Far more entertaining than the snivelling documentary that Al Franken conjured up about himself.

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The crazy thing about the Dixie Chicks flap is that Natalie said what she said as one line in a concert in one venue in London. She never thought it would get broadcast to people who would take her comments out of context and proportion. I mean, it's not like she said it in public - she just meant it to be heard by the particular audience in attendance at her show.

In a way, I feel just like her. I don't know who reads this aside from the people I've told about it, but I'm old and don't remember who I have and haven't told. I know that things can spread like wildfire over the internet, if wildfires in Arizona were capable of sparking fires in, say, Saskatchewan. Still, I can't imagine anyone would want to read this blog voluntarily. I mean, Rumsfeld told me that they forced prisoners at Abu Ghraib to read it, which I think I believe, but I'm gullible, so I have to factor that in. But really, why would anyone find what I'm saying interesting? And why would anyone find what the lead singer of a musical act has to say about politics - especially something as innocuous as what she said - so offensive and, well, interesting?

The other oddity of this whole situation for the Dixie Chicks is that they invited the negative feedback by not really backing down from Natalie's statement. I'm pretty much fine with people not commenting on my blog. After all, I'm not desperate for attention and I don't really need people to tell me what they think about what I've written. For instance, Not-Betty hasn't said a word about my blog since I began it. (Of course, she's barely said a word to me in general, either.) The point is, I don't need to know that you empathize with me, whoever-you-are reading this, or that you hate my guts. I've been president and I've lived longer than you, unless you are some sort of ridiculously tech-savvy and extremely elderly person, so I don't really need the validation or reprimand of the rest of you anymore.

Yup - I should've been in the Dixie Chicks. We are so alike.

There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe,

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Pour One Out For Max

Front Page: I'm sure most of you have already heard the news, but in case you haven't, here it is. When I was woken up by an aide to tell me that this tragedy had happened, I sprung into immediate action, consulting with the Department of Homeland Security to determine whether terrorism had been involved, calling Max's loved ones to express my condolences and my sympathies, and trying to determine where would be the best place for Max to lie in state. It wasn't until today, however, when I saw the headline on, that the emotional impact really hit me. I burst into tears. I'm a tough guy, but I just can't contain my sorrow when someone loses his pet. (By the way, I'm not the only president sobbing lately.) I remember the heartache I felt when our dog Liberty died. It was different from when our kids' gerbils - Justice, Freedom, America, and little Spiro Agnew - passed away. We'd expected it, and I always found them hard to love. But when we came home that Saturday afternoon and found out that Liberty had dragged the Christmas lights out of the box in the garage, draped them over a rafter and hung herself - well, when your pet does that, it really gets you. If only Liberty had had the common courtesy to leave a note.

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Now, from what I know of things, Max did not commit suicide. He apparently died of natural causes, though we're still looking into whether Russian poison may have been involved. But regardless, Max lived a good, full life. The last time I talked to Clooney a few years ago, Max had been wasting some time lying in mud and eating his own feces. Well, I guess that was rock bottom, because Max soon turned a corner - he gave up some of his mud time. Not all of it - remember, it's not about denial, but moderation. He still ate his own feces, but he had more time for things like writing policy recommendations about terrorism for the Defense Department. He was a true American, that Max, and this is a grade A national tragedy.

Please - make sure you hug your kids extra hard tonight. Not as hard as, like, a boa constrictor would, but I think you know what I mean. Unless you are in fact a boa constrictor, in which case, congratulations on figuring out how to access the magical internet and learning to read!

There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe,

Monday, December 04, 2006

I Am Saying That I Am Picasso

New Entry!: There's a second entry in the First Annual Fun Contest I started last month. It's from "Israeli Limor," and while I'm not wrestling velociraptors in this one, I am dressed in fancy clothes and am well armed.

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Keep your visual art coming! The contest ends in exactly three weeks!

Gerry's Corner: Anyway, sorry to have taken my sweet time in between entries again. This time, though, there was a good excuse: someone walked off with the power cord for my computer. I left it in an outlet at the Starbucks where I was starting to work on my novel. Then, I left, realized I didn't have it, went back and it was gone.

All right, you know what? That isn't 100% accurate. And you know what else? I don't care. It's my blog, and I'm allowed to fictionalize it. I exaggerate a lot of things, okay? A lot. Like, the story I just started with - totally made up! I didn't include the fact that I was also drinking coffee at the Starbucks. That's right, I wasn't just working on my novel. See? This blog is totally different from my real life.

Isn't that funny?

Remember, this blog isn't about Gerald R. Ford. If you want to read about him, go read the Wikipedia entry about me. I mean him. Not me. Because I'm writing about "Gerry," who has nothing in common with Gerald R. Ford, the person you may think you're reading about. He more closely resembles "Awesome Dude," the fictional character that I made up a few months back. Or, rather, that Gerry made up. (Dang - this is hard.) Let's do a tale of the tape, shall we?

Number of sit-ups Gerald R. Ford can do in a minute: 212
Number of sit-ups Gerry can do in a minute: 209

Gerald R. Ford's favorite color of paint: maize
Gerry's favorite color of paint: goldenrod

What Gerald R. Ford likes to have for breakfast each morning: a bagel with cream cheese
What Gerry likes to have for breakfast each morning: a bagel with low-fat cream cheese

Who Gerald R. Ford thinks should be playing Ohio State in the BCS title game on January 8th: Michigan
Who Gerry thinks should be playing Ohio State in the BCS title game on January 8th: Michigan

Which suitor Gerald R. Ford thinks Liz should choose in For Better or For Worse: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Which suitor Gerry thinks Liz should choose in For Better or For Worse: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Seeeeee?! We're nothing like each other!

I just don't understand where everyone is getting the impression that I'm talking about me. Or - I mean, Gerald R. Ford. It's me! Gerry! If you think you know who Gerald R. Ford is through this blog, think again. And again. And keep doing it until your brain hurts, and you still won't know who Gerald R. Ford is, because Gerry doesn't write about stuff that goes on in Gerald R. Ford's life. Face facts, people.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got plans for the rest of this evening. They include:

• watching the radio
• reading a book called Olysses
• talking on the molecule phone
• not sneaking copious amounts of absinthe

And, of course, you should realize that I might not be doing any of these things. Maybe I said all those things just to throw you off the trail. Or maybe I will complete the above itinerary. You never can tell. Remember: Gerry doesn't exist in reality. He's art.

Okay, his name isn't Art. He's like a painting or an actress or something.

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There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe,